Mission & Vision
Mission Statement: We are a family of missionary servants who glorify God by making disciples of all peoples.
We are Family because of the identity given by God the Father when he adopted as sons and daughters (Eph. 2), God has given us the right to be his children (John 1:12). As a family we are committed to each other through regular meetings and dinners, meeting one another’s needs so that there is no one lacking anything among us (Acts 2:42-47). For more on “Family” click here.
We are Missionary because of the identity given by Jesus when he says “As the father sent me, so send I you” (John 20:21). By the power of the Holy Spirit, we join with God in his mission to redeem peoples from all nations and places. We are missionary to the places we work and live as well as far off places where there is no gospel witness.
We are Servants because we follow in the steps of Jesus who was the ultimate example of a servant (Phil 2.). We seek to serve one another and prefer one another over ourselves. We seek to demonstrate compassion to a hurting world.
We glorify God because we are all made in the Image of God (Gen. 1:26-27). Though we were all once a marred image of God, through faith in Christ, we are once called to glorify God by worshiping Him in all we do. So, whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, do all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31).
We Make Disciples because Jesus commanded his disciples to do this in the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). A disciple is a learner, an imitator, a follower who is becoming more and more like Jesus. We seek to create environments where disciples can be made, through the direction of God’s word. Life-on-Life, Peronal Study, Groups, and Teaching times are crucial to making disciples who make disciples.
We make disciple Among All Peoples because God loves the world, not just people like us (John 3:16). We support over a dozen missionaries around the world and seek to ethnic diversity locally.
Preaching Style: Expositional preaching. We take the journey back to what the message meant to original reader, and seek to find its relevance to our lives today. The Gospel is a central interpretive feature of all of Scripture.
Ministry Teams: There are three basic ministry teams that oversee most of the ministries in our church. Each team is composed of several lay people, with an elder chairing the team. We have a Christian Education team, which develops curriculum, assists teachers, and does facility layout for adult and youth Sunday School and small group ministries. The Missions team promotes U.S. and foreign missions in the church and is the liaison between the church body and the missionaries we support. The Fellowship team plans ways our church body can get to know each other better throughout the year.
Our Denomination:
We are a part of the Evangelical Free Church of America. For information about the denomination, please go to www.efca.org