D-GROUPS (D for Disciplemaking, or Delta – Greek for ‘Change’)
(Material adapted from Robert E.Logan and Neil Cole’s “Raising Leaders for the Harvest”
Basic elements of the Group
- Meet once a week or every other week for at least one hour.
- Groups of 3 people of the same sex. A fourth person is the beginning of the next group and multiplication is imminent.
- There is no curriculum. The only book needed is the Bible.
- Accountability Atmosphere of confidentiality, honesty and mutual accountability. Each group tailors questions to their needs. (See back of this sheet)
- Read or Study an agreed upon section of scripture. Scripture is to be read during the week. This is done devotionally to allow the Word of God to fill and transform our life.
How the group functions
- Each person takes a turn to tell the others what God taught them in their reading this week and how He is dealing with them regarding that.
- Go through the accountability questions with each person in the group. Interaction happens where appropriate.
- Respond by praying for one another regarding what God has been teaching the 3 of you through His Word and the things you learned about one another through the accountability questions. If you meet in a restaurant, the prayer time would best be accomplished in one of your cars, perhaps.
Why D-GROUPS work
- You plant the seed of God’s word, not a seed substitute, such as someone else’s study of the Word. Its value in spiritual nutrition is like the difference between eating unprocessed and processed foods.
- It engages the participants to experience the 3 vital relationships of Acts 2:42. You have an active relationship with the word of God, the people of God, and the person of God.
- This process isn’t leader dependent, but Holy Spirit dependent.
- D-GROUPS reinforce life-long habits of essential spiritual disciplines.
- D-GROUPS help empower common Christians to be lifelong disciple-makers.
- D-GROUPS release members to spontaneously multiply disciple-making at the grass roots level.
Accountability questions
Men This week. . .
- Have you practiced speaking the gospel to yourself? to other believers? to a non-believer?
- How has your thought life been regarding the opposite sex? Have you been in a compromising situation? Have you been exposed to sexually explicit material?
- Have you lacked any integrity in your financial dealings?
- Have you given priority time to your family or special friends?
- Have you damaged another person by your words, either behind their back or to their face?
- Have you become resentful, angry, or bitter with anyone?
- Have you looked down upon anyone? Wished for anyone’s misfortune?
- Have you succumbed to a personal addiction? Explain:
- ______________________________ Use this line to form a question tailored to your own temptations.
- Have you just lied to me?
Women This week . .
- Have you practices speaking the gospel to yourself? to other believers? to a non-believer?
- Have you fantasized about a romantic relationship with someone other than your spouse? Have you read or seen any sexually alluring material?
- Have you lacked any integrity in your financial dealings? Have you spent money recklessly?
- Have you given priority time to your family or special friends?
- Have you damaged another person by your words, either behind their back or to their face?
- Have you become resentful, angry, or bitter with anyone?
- Have you looked down upon anyone? Wished for anyone’s misfortune?
- Have you succumbed to a personal addiction? Explain:
- ______________________________ Use this line to form a question tailored to your own temptations.
- Have you just lied to me?